Thursday, 18 October 2012

The Intricacies of Tummy Tuck Belt Revealed

Tummy Tuck Belt is an innovative product that sets off a chain reaction in your lower abdomen region that is akin to a domino effect. What begins as a simple case of wearing a space age belt over a heat accelerator cream, over a course of few hours starts to culminate in a significant increase in belly temperatures. This is what causes the tummy slimming system to starve fat cells near the stomach.

Heat Vision Photography Reveals Everything

It is only through heat vision photography that things become clear as to what happens during, soon after and 3 hours later to wearing the slimming belt system. At time equals zero, the belt does not affect the belly region at all it simply concentrates the cream allowing it to compact into the lower abdomen region. 10 minutes later when the weight loss belt is taken off, the belly is still at body temperature.

However, what is revealed through heat photography is that over a period of 3 hours, the body temperature around the belly gradually rises up accumulating in a total of 3 degree Centigrade increase. Such a gradual rise is not even felt by the user but what it does is to slowly burn away calories from the stomach.

Why It Is Better Than Other Slimming Belts?

There are plenty of other weight loss belts that rely on heat treatment to reduce tummy fat but this innovative system works without the user feeling anything at all. Moreover, the user only needs to wear the belt for 10 minutes and the actual slimming process begins only after he or she removes it. As revealed through heat spectrometry, the abdomen shows an increased heat activity three hours after using Tummy Tuck Belt.

Hence, one can go through their entire day without even realizing how much weight they have lost.

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